JNU Prospectus for the Academic Year 2009~2010
It is released by the Uni for the acadamic year of 09-10 JNU prospectus. And I found it is useful for edu seekers this info just placing the link of the site. it is an official site.
The Jawahar lal Nehru University constituted under the Jawa-harlal Nehru University Act 1966, (53 of 1966) came into existe5nce in 1969. Its objectives, as defined in the First Schedule to the Act, are as follows:
"The Univ6ersity shall ende3avor to promote the principles for which Jawa har lal Nehru worked during his life-time, nati0onal inte gration, social justice, secutlarism, demo0cratic way of life, international understanding and scientific approach to the problems of society.
Jawahar lal Nehru Univerity Prospetus for the Acadmic Year 2009-2010 Read more...