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Unlimited Blogger Sitemap Entries

There are some times some hacking is good always for a good catch of Search Engine Optimisation . When you use Blogger then you should care-fully handle the site-map submitting to search engine. Becasue  Blogger will submit the submit the sitemap contain only a 26 latest posts. rest post-are hidden. there si a small hacking tequnique can escape this problem a detailed article found here under this title.


It is nice to be go through once if you are  blogger or a blogger user. unlimited Blogger Sitemap entries. but recently I visited this page, it is no more.
So what I understood, and what I did is I am narrating below.
Instead of atom.xml I entered :

The 50 is represents the number of post selected. this code refer only 1-50 post Next then you make instead of "1" make  51 so it will start counting 51 to another 50. then make 101. make some5 to 10 atom.xml will helped me to add all my post. do  and check the difference!

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Unlimited Blogger Sitemap Entries from REACH and TEACH each OTHER